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CSS reset for HTML5

Best practices?

How does this differ from HTML4 or XHTML1?

There's a lot of discussion going on over here: http://html5doctor.com/html-5-reset-stylesheet/

I'm wondering what other resources/discussion exists.

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americanyak Avatar asked Jul 18 '10 23:07


People also ask

What is html5 reset?

The reset input type creates a button that resets the form to the default values. If the value attribute is present, the value of that attribute will be the text on the button. If not, the default wording on the reset button is “Reset”. The reset button brings the form back to it's initial, default state.

How do I Reset CSS styles?

Answer: Use the CSS all Property You can simply use the CSS all property with the value revert to remove the additional author-defined CSS styling for an element (i.e. reset to browser's default CSS styling).

Is CSS reset still needed?

No. I actually think it never has been necessary. But a CSS reset will help you to make your project look the same in every browser and might save you a lot of time of browser-testing and debugging.

3 Answers

The comments on that post are crazy. You're certainly not going to find a more thorough discussion. I think you should delete unnecessary rules and deprecated tags from whatever reset you've been using and keep truckin. Paul Irish (jQuery core contributor, co-creator of Modernizr and now Googler) has a comment in the article you link to that has all the HTML5 specific CSS leveling you're likely to need:

article, aside, dialog, figure, footer, header, hgroup, nav, section { display:block; zoom:1; }

Google's using a simpler version in their base.css on HTML5Rocks.com:

section, article, header, footer {  display: block; }

You'll still need to use Remy Sharp's simple, bare-bones HTML5 Shiv or Modernizr to run a JavaScript loop to enable styling of new HTML5 elements in IE. HTML5 Shiv just creates the elements to allow styling, Modernizr is a much more full-featured HTML5 and CSS3 detection/styling solution. There's another great post on HTML5 Doctor worth a look, How to use HTML5 in your client work right now from March 2010, co-written by Remy and Richard 8 months after the reset article. They mention using Modernizr "to detect Web Forms 2.0 and other HTML5-type support."

Also, Dion (from Ajaxian and now Palm) tweeted about css3pie that will render visual elements like border-radius, box-shadow, and gradients in IE. Can't vouch for it myself.

(I had more links in here but had to remove all but one b/c my rep. is < 10, if there's something you can't find. reply and I'll post it.)

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rdela Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 23:10


HTML5 is still not widely supported. As such, I don't think you will find an HTML5 specific reset stylesheet yet. My recommendation would be to take Eric Meyer's and add the tags for HTML5. (e.g. nav, header, footer, etc)

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Jason McCreary Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 21:10

Jason McCreary

I just use my variation of Eric Meyer's reset, with my own preferences. For HTML5 compatibility, I add the new elements in as needed.

One thing in particular is that new elements are unstyled by default, so you need to provide your own defaults. This is especially important for block elements like section, aside, and article. You need to ensure you specify display:block for those elements.

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Grant Palin Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 22:10

Grant Palin