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CSS placing one image on top of another


I am working on CSS design template.

I have two images imageOne and imageTwo.

Both are position: relative because if I set one of them position: absolute then it does not stay as responsive anymore and responsiveness is the key here.

What I want is to place imageTwo on top of imageOne.

How can I achieve that while twitterbootstrap's responsive feature still works on these two images?

Below is my code: (jsfiddle available here)

<div class="imageOne image"></div>
<div class="imageTwo image"></div>


.image {
    position: relative;
    width: 100px;
    height: 100px;
    border: 1px solid red;
.imageOne {
    z-index: 0;
.imageTwo {
    z-index: 1;
like image 696
Om3ga Avatar asked Aug 14 '13 15:08


People also ask

How do I overlay one image to another CSS?

As the simplest solution. That is: Create a relative div that is placed in the flow of the page; place the base image first as relative so that the div knows how big it should be; place the overlays as absolutes relative to the upper left of the first image.

How do I overlay an image on another image in HTML?

Basically, you put both of your images in the same container. Give the container a position that isn't static (in my example, relative). Then give the overlay image position: absolute and position it however you want using bottom and right . Show activity on this post.

How do you display an element on top of another CSS?

You can use the CSS position property in combination with the z-index property to overlay an individual div over another div element. The z-index property determines the stacking order for positioned elements (i.e. elements whose position value is one of absolute , fixed , or relative ).

2 Answers

I've added a wrapper div for those images, with position relative and changed .image { position: relative to absolute and it worked for me. http://jsfiddle.net/uS7nw/2/

<div class="container">
    <div class="imageOne image"></div>
    <div class="imageTwo image"></div>


.container {
    position: relative;

.image {
    position: absolute;
    width: 100px;
    height: 100px;
    border: 1px solid red;
like image 85
Ed T. Avatar answered Nov 28 '22 13:11

Ed T.

When you have elements within a container which has the property: position: relative;
then any elements within that container which have the property: position: absolute;
will have their offset origin set to the top-left of the container.

For example,

<div class="relative"> <!-- top: 50px; left: 100px; //-->
  <div class="absolute"></div> <!-- top: 0; left: 0; //-->
  <div class="absolute"></div> <!-- top: 10px; left: 20px; //-->

The first absolute child will be positioned at (50px, 100px) relative to the body, or (0,0) from the container.

But the second child will be positioned at (10px, 20px) relative to container, or (60px, 120px) relative to the body (add 50+10 from the top, 100+20 from the left).

like image 41
Ozzy Avatar answered Nov 28 '22 12:11
