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CSS Modules: How do I disable local scope for a file?

I'm using CSS Modules (through Webpack css loader) in a new React project, and even though it's working great, I'm having trouble getting the SCSS for React Select to work. I imagine this is because it tries to create local classNames, which the JS in react-select is unaware of. Is there a way to import an entire .scss file, but scoped globally instead of locally?

like image 738
Steven Avatar asked Feb 14 '16 22:02


People also ask

Are CSS modules scoped?

A CSS Module is a CSS file that defines class and animation names that are scoped locally by default.

How do I use CSS modules with Webpacks?

To be able to use CSS in your webpack app, you need to set up a new loader. Out-of-the-box, webpack only understands Javascript and JSON. With a loader, you can translate another type of file to a format that webpack understands and can work with. There are many webpack loaders and each loader has a specific purpose.

What is the difference between CSS module and CSS?

The CSS in a CSS module is no different than normal CSS, but the extension of the file is different to mark that the file will be processed. In this example, a CSS module is imported and declared as a JavaScript object called containerStyles .

2 Answers

I generally define two CSS loaders like this:

// Global CSS
// We make the assumption that all CSS in node_modules is either
// regular 'global' css or pre-compiled.
    test: /\.css$/,
    include: /node_modules/,
    loader: 'style-loader!css-loader'

// CSS modules
    test: /\.css$/,
    exclude: /node_modules/,
    loader: 'style-loader!css-loader?modules'

I've also migrated an app to CSS modules in the past and found it was useful to define a convention based on file extension, e.g. {filename}.module.css === CSS Modules vs {filename}.css === Global CSS

// Global CSS
    test: /\.css$/,
    exclude: /\.module\.css$/,
    loader: 'style-loader!css-loader'

// CSS modules
    test: /\.module\.css$/,
    loader: 'style-loader!css-loader?modules'
like image 172
riscarrott Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 19:10


When you user css loader in your Webpack configuration, typically you'd want to activate CSS Modules with ?modules enabled in the querystring, therefore you will activate the :local scope by default. This means that if you want to declare .selector { ... } without being converted, you have to use it into a :global(.selector) {} .

Since you are using SASS loader, in case you want to include css from a vendor, you can import it using @import "~react-select". The problem as you said is that this is going to get all selectors from the library converted to local. To avoid this, you can enclose the import in :global the same way you do with a selector like: :global { @import "~react-select"; }

like image 23
javivelasco Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 18:10
