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CSS module hover styles when inside another module

In a React/Webpack app with CSS modules I have a module .card in its own .scss file and another module named .stat which is a content to be shown in the .card.

What I need to achieve the following, but int the 'css-modules' way:

.card:hover .stat {
    color: #000;

If I @import .card inside the .stat module, all of the .card css is dumped into the .stat output, but I only want to be able to use the correct class name for the .card.

What's the correct way to solve the problem?

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Spadar Shut Avatar asked Mar 21 '16 12:03

Spadar Shut

2 Answers

We had a similar issue in our use of CSS modules. I open an issue https://github.com/css-modules/css-modules/issues/102 and it was suggested to me that I should do either one of the following:

  1. Clone the component and add a new className attribute to it and compose the new class with the old class:

    // Card.js React.cloneElement(component, {   className: styles.card,  });  // styles.cssmodule  .card {   composes: card from "...card.cssmodule";  } 
  2. Wrap the component in another element and add the classname to this:

    <div className={styles.card}><MyComponent /></div> 

I didn't like either of these approaches and I'd like to use the strength of css-modules which is the modules part. So we have a fork of the css-loader which allows you to use :ref() to reference imported classes:

:import('...card.cssmodule`){   importedCard: card; }  :ref(.importedCard):hover .stat {...} 
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Cubed Eye Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 02:09

Cubed Eye

As a workaround React toolbox guys use an approach to add a data-react-toolbox="component-name" or data-role="somerole" attribute to every component and target the attribute instead of classes where necessary for such situations.

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Spadar Shut Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 02:09

Spadar Shut