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CSS In DNN Modules



How could i include the custom css & JavaScript for particular module in DotnetNuke?

I understand that it is not like normal ASP.Net page.

like image 792
guna Samba Avatar asked Dec 08 '12 18:12

guna Samba

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1 Answers

If your module has a file named module.css in the root of the module folder, it will automatically get included on the page with the module.

For other CSS and for JavaScript, you should use the Client Resource Management framework to include the resources you want. Something like this:

<%@ Register TagPrefix="dnn" 
    Assembly="DotNetNuke.Web.Client" %>
<dnn:DnnCssInclude runat="server"
    FilePath="~/DesktopModules/MyModule/css/the-style.css" />
<dnn:DnnJsInclude runat="server"
    ForceProvider="DnnFormBottomProvider" />
like image 125
bdukes Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 23:09
