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CSS Grid Layout Gap Box Sizing


I have a CSS grid that occupies 100% width and 100% height of a window (the body element has display: grid;). The grid has row and column templates and elements which occupy 100% of their allocated space. However, when I add a grid-gap to the grid, it makes the grid too large for the window, forcing scrollbars to appear. How can I stop the grid-gap from adding to the dimensions of the grid - similar to how box-sizing: border-box; stops padding from adding to the dimensions of an element? Instead, I want the gaps to shrink the cells of the grid.

Thanks. like this

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Freddy Tuxworth Avatar asked Apr 27 '17 17:04

Freddy Tuxworth

People also ask

Which one is an acceptable column-gap for a grid layout?

For multi-column layout this is specified as 1em . For all other layout types it is 0.

Is CSS grid-gap deprecated?

'grid-gap' has been deprecated in favor of 'gap'. In a similar vein 'grid-row-gap' and 'grid-column-gap' have been deprecated in favor of 'row-gap' and 'column-gap'. Unfortunately, the new features aren't recognized by Visual Studio yet either. As far as May 2020, 'grid-gap' is shown as "Obsolete" in VSC.

2 Answers

When you use "fr" it works.

<section>     <article class="a">A</article>     <article class="b">B</article>     <article class="c">C</article>     <article class="d">D</article> </section>  section {     display: grid;     grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;     grid-auto-flow: column;     grid-gap: 20px;      border: 10px solid blue;      article {         background-color: tomato;          &.d {             grid-column: 2;              grid-row-start: 1;              grid-row-end: 4;              background-color: olive;         }     } } 
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Henning Fischer Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 04:09

Henning Fischer

It works same as if you used box-sizing: border-box and padding as you can see in this demo. Height is set to 100vh and you can see that if you remove or add grid-gap there is no scrollbar, you just need to remove margin from body.

body {   margin: 0; } .grid {   display: grid;   height: 100vh;   grid-gap: 20px;   background: #FF7D7D;   grid-template-columns: 1fr 2fr; /* Use Fractions, don't use % or vw */  } .grid > div {   background: black;   color: white; } div.a, div.d {   color: black;   background: white; }
<div class="grid">   <div class="a">A</div>   <div class="b">B</div>   <div class="c">C</div>   <div class="d">D</div> </div>
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Nenad Vracar Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 04:09

Nenad Vracar