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CSS direct descendant ">" operator not working (and it's not IE6)?

I am trying to do something very simple - select the tags which are direct descendants of a tag.

The CSS I am using is as follows:

table.data > tr { background-color: red; }

My HTML looks like this:

<table class="data">

But no red background is forthcoming! If I remove the ">" character from the CSS, it works! I have tried this in Firefox, IE 8, Chrome and Safari, and all the browsers do exactly the same thing.

Hopefully someone can help me after so many frustrating hours! I know I am doing something extremely stupid, but I can't figure out what it is.

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Flyingkiwi Avatar asked Sep 22 '11 07:09


1 Answers

Most1 browsers automatically insert a tbody element into a table, so the css should be:

table.data > tbody > tr { background-color: red; }

to account for that.

1 I think that all browsers do this, but I don't have the capacity, or time, to check that assumption. If you're concerned that there might be some users with a browser that doesn't do this, you could offer both selectors in the css:

table.data > tr,
table.data > tbody > tr { background-color: red; }
like image 104
David Thomas Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 13:11

David Thomas