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CSS :: child set to change color on parent hover, but changes also when hovered itself

I have an <a> with a <span> children. I have written some CSS which changes the border-color of the children when the parent is hovered, but it also changes the border-color when I hover the children, which it shouldn't.

a {      padding: 50px;      border: 1px solid black;  }    a span {      position: absolute;      top: 200px;      padding: 30px;      border: 10px solid green;  }    a:hover span {      border: 10px solid red;  }   
<a>      Parent text      <span>Child text</span>      </a>
like image 934
HoGo Avatar asked Feb 09 '13 22:02


People also ask

How do you make something change color when you hover over it CSS?

Changing link color on hover using CSS To change the color of your link on hover, use the :hover pseudo property on the link's class and give it a different color.

How do you select parent element in CSS?

The element>element selector is used to select elements with a specific parent. Note: Elements that are not directly a child of the specified parent, are not selected.

2 Answers


The below made sense for 2013. However, now, I would use the :not() selector as described below.

CSS can be overwritten.

DEMO: http://jsfiddle.net/persianturtle/J4SUb/

Use this:

.parent {   padding: 50px;   border: 1px solid black; }  .parent span {   position: absolute;   top: 200px;   padding: 30px;   border: 10px solid green; }  .parent:hover span {   border: 10px solid red; }  .parent span:hover {   border: 10px solid green; }
<a class="parent">     Parent text     <span>Child text</span>     </a>
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Raphael Rafatpanah Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 13:10

Raphael Rafatpanah

If you don't care about supporting old browsers, you can use :not() to exclude that element:

.parent:hover span:not(:hover) {     border: 10px solid red; } 

Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/vz9A9/1/

If you do want to support them, the I guess you'll have to either use JavaScript or override the CSS properties again:

.parent span:hover {     border: 10px solid green; } 
like image 41
Blender Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 14:10
