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CSS Browser Support Chart [closed]


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Is CSS supported by all browsers?

Your CSS should work in all browsers as is. It may not display the same from browser to browser. Most developers use a reset to fix that issue. what should i use? for a beginner like me?

What CSS does Safari not support?

The counter-set: CSS property is not supported by older browsers. The orphans: CSS property is not supported by some browsers. The widows: CSS property is not implemented by some browsers. The visibility:collapse CSS property is not supported by Safari for table columns, and not supported on older browsers.

Are there any browsers that don't support HTML5?

Mozilla Firefox Firefox version 2 and 3.6 doesn't supports HTML5 form features property.

Is there any resource that provides a chart of CSS properties and their support through most browser/OS combinations? For example, if I want to know what browser supports overflow or min-height and any quirks to be aware of in the implementation of these properties and their values, what is the best place to get all this?

I have found a couple places but I haven't been impressed.

Any suggestions?