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CSRF (Cross-site request forgery) protection in spring MVC

I'm little confuse in this CSRF (Cross-site request forgery) protection in spring. No I have my jsp and my controller and a web service. What I want to do is validate the token at the web service level and if token is a match, run the web service (In my case do a db insert)

JSP file

    <form:input type="text" class="form-control" path="mName" />

    <input type="hidden" name="${_csrf.parameterName}"
        value="${_csrf.token}" />

    <div class="form-action">
        <input type="submit" value="Save" class="btn btn-primary" />

I've inserted the hidden tag also. Now what should I do to validate this token. I'm little lost there.

At the controller class I get the values from the form to an object and call the web ervise to save data

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST)
  public String processForm(@ModelAttribute(value = "userForm") @Valid UserForm userForm, BindingResult result, ModelMap model) {      

   //call the web service
like image 292
Ravindu Avatar asked Mar 21 '14 09:03


People also ask

Why do we disable CSRF in Spring boot?

It is an attack that forces an end user to execute unwanted actions on a web application in which they are currently authenticated. CSRF attacks specifically target state-changing requests, not theft of data, since the attacker has no way to see the response to the forged request.

2 Answers

OWASP Enterprise Security API has a very good option offering solid protection against CSRF. CSRF is actually pretty easy to solve. OWASP ESAPI provides the specifications to implement CSRF protection as below.

1. Generate new CSRF token and add it to user once on login and store user in http session.

This is done in the default ESAPI implementation, and it is stored as a member variable of the User object that gets stored in the session.

/this code is in the DefaultUser implementation of ESAPI
/** This user's CSRF token. */
private String csrfToken = resetCSRFToken();
public String resetCSRFToken() {
    csrfToken = ESAPI.randomizer().getRandomString(8, DefaultEncoder.CHAR_ALPHANUMERICS);
    return csrfToken;

2. On any forms or urls that should be protected, add the token as a parameter / hidden field.

The addCSRFToken method below should be called for any url that is going to be rendered that needs CSRF protection. Alternatively if you are creating a form, or have another technique of rendering URLs (like c:url), then be sure to add a parameter or hidden field with the name "ctoken" and the value of DefaultHTTPUtilities.getCSRFToken().

//from HTTPUtilitiles interface
final static String CSRF_TOKEN_NAME = "ctoken";
//this code is from the DefaultHTTPUtilities implementation in ESAPI
public String addCSRFToken(String href) {
    User user = ESAPI.authenticator().getCurrentUser();
    if (user.isAnonymous()) {
        return href;
    // if there are already parameters append with &, otherwise append with ?
    String token = CSRF_TOKEN_NAME + "=" + user.getCSRFToken();
    return href.indexOf( '?') != -1 ? href + "&" + token : href + "?" + token;
public String getCSRFToken() {
    User user = ESAPI.authenticator().getCurrentUser();
    if (user == null) return null;
    return user.getCSRFToken();

3. On the server side for those protected actions, check that the submitted token matches the token from the user object in the session.

Ensure that you call this method from your servlet or spring action or jsf controller, or whatever server side mechanism you're using to handle requests. This should be called on any request that you need to validate for CSRF protection. Notice that when the tokens do not match, it's considered a possible forged request.

//this code is from the DefaultHTTPUtilities implementation in ESAPI
public void verifyCSRFToken(HttpServletRequest request) throws IntrusionException {
    User user = ESAPI.authenticator().getCurrentUser();
    // check if user authenticated with this request - no CSRF protection required
    if( request.getAttribute(user.getCSRFToken()) != null ) {
    String token = request.getParameter(CSRF_TOKEN_NAME);
    if ( !user.getCSRFToken().equals( token ) ) {
        throw new IntrusionException("Authentication failed", "Possibly forged HTTP request without proper CSRF token detected");

4. On logout and session timeout, the user object is removed from the session and the session destroyed.

In this step, logout is called. When that happens, note that the session is invalidated and the current user object is reset to be an anonymous user, thereby removing the reference to the current user and accordingly the csrf token.

//this code is in the DefaultUser implementation of ESAPI
public void logout() {
    ESAPI.httpUtilities().killCookie( ESAPI.currentRequest(), ESAPI.currentResponse(), HTTPUtilities.REMEMBER_TOKEN_COOKIE_NAME );
    HttpSession session = ESAPI.currentRequest().getSession(false);
    if (session != null) {
    ESAPI.httpUtilities().killCookie(ESAPI.currentRequest(), ESAPI.currentResponse(), "JSESSIONID");
    loggedIn = false;
    logger.info(Logger.SECURITY_SUCCESS, "Logout successful" );

Source: http://www.jtmelton.com/2010/05/16/the-owasp-top-ten-and-esapi-part-6-cross-site-request-forgery-csrf/

Hope this helps you out.


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Shishir Kumar Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 13:10

Shishir Kumar

Apparently I was using spring security 3.1.4.RELEASE. here you have do this manually. Then I changed it to 3.2.2.RELEASE and then I just had to use

<input type="hidden" name="${_csrf.parameterName}" value="${_csrf.token}" />

Refer this link to see whats new in spring security 3.2


Be careful, when you change from 3.1.4.RELEASE to 3.2.2.RELEASE, there are lot of confusing re factorings to do. Specially in web.xml and spring-security.xml files

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Ravindu Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 11:10
