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Crystal Report Sum of a Column data

I have field GrandTotal in my dataset which I am showing in my report. I want show the total of all data in the footer .

My column data are string .

I tried to make a formula as bellow


But its saying a field is require.

like image 404
sohel14_cse_ju Avatar asked Mar 22 '23 06:03


1 Answers

You must convert the field into number, and then try to get the sum.

Step 1: Create a new formula from field explorer, give a name to formula (relevant name).

Step 2: Convert the field into Number.

Step 3: Then Add Sum of the formula field

Step 4: Place that Formula field into the Report Footer.

Add Formula:

Choose Field to Convert into Number or Currency:

Then After Field Conversion, get the Sum of the Formula field by choosing name of the formula from the Report fields. Formula field has fx as prefix.

like image 112
JulyOrdinary Avatar answered May 07 '23 03:05
