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Crossrider resources are being served from HTTP instead of Https



I have a browser extension that's developed using CrossRider API.

When I install it from Chrome, I get the following error:

Mixed Content: The page at xxxxxxx.com is loaded over https but requested an insecure XMLHttpRequest endpoint http://resources.crossrider.com/system/resources/apps/68868/959532?ver=19. This request has been blocked; the content should be served over https.

Why is crossrider requesting resources on HTTP instead of HTTPS. Do I need to set any flag anywhere?

More importantly, why is crossrider making a request to this URL?

That means, there is a dependency on crossrider server to be up and running for my browser plugin to work. If my plugin has lot of users, will it have any impact on my availability of my plugin?

If that JS file is required, is it possible to host that file on our server?

We really don't want to have a dependency on CrossRider server.

[Update] :I'm attaching the screenshot of the error.enter image description here

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Preetham Reddy Avatar asked Dec 26 '14 20:12

Preetham Reddy

1 Answers

You have asked several questions and hence I have answered the ones I can base on the provided information.

Crossrider is a cloud based service and as such requires Internet access to download extension code and resources.

In general, once the extension is installed and the resources are downloaded, the extension runs locally and periodically accesses the Crossrider site for updates. Therefore, the dependency on the Crossrider server (CDN) is primarily at installation time, and periodically thereafter, as the extensions runs locally after installation. This model comes with several benefits including automatic extension code/framework updates and the statistics dashboard. Of course, if this does not meet your requirements there are other standalone platforms you can use to build an extension.

Regarding the downloading of resources, this usually works without issue. I am happy to take a look at your scenario but, in order to do so, please provide the extension id and versions of the browser and OS you are using and I will investigate.

[Disclosure: I am a Crossrider employee]

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Shlomo Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 13:01
