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Cross tab on one column where third column is matched

I am trying to do a cross tab based on one column where a third column matches. Take the example data:

df = pd.DataFrame({'demographic' : ['A', 'B', 'B', 'A', 'C', 'C'],
                'id_match' : ['101', '101', '201', '201', '26', '26'],
                'time' : ['10', '10', '16', '16', '1', '1']})

where id_match matches i want to find the resulting sum of of the time for the cross tab of the demographic column. The output would look like this:

  A  B  C
A 0  52 0
B 52 0  0
C 0  0  2

Hopefully that makes sense, comment if not. Thanks J

like image 712
JDraper Avatar asked Nov 07 '22 22:11


1 Answers

You can solve this using merge and crosstab:

u = df.reset_index()
v = u.merge(u, on='id_match').query('index_x != index_y')
r = pd.crosstab(v.demographic_x, 
                v.time_x.astype(int) + v.time_y.astype(int), 

demographic_y     A     B    C
A               NaN  52.0  NaN
B              52.0   NaN  NaN
C               NaN   NaN  4.0

If you need the NaNs filled in with zeros, you can use fillna:

r.fillna(0, downcast='infer')

demographic_y   A   B  C
A               0  52  0
B              52   0  0
C               0   0  4
like image 185
cs95 Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11
