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Cross-Platform In-App Monetization with Cordova [closed]



I am developing a game using Telerik AppBuilder, and am looking for the best and easiest way to perform in-app monetization functionality like hint purchasing, puzzle bundle unlocking, etc.

Are there any truly cross-platform solutions for Cordova that actually let you write once, run anywhere, in the sense that you're performing a financial traction with Apple's app store or an Android store, depending on the platform you've deployed to?

like image 831
blaster Avatar asked Nov 10 '22 06:11


1 Answers

there are no truly cross-platform solutions for Cordova that I am aware of. Cordova itself would not support/maintain this kind of plugin (due to the nature of the plugin) and so it would be up to a third party. However, drawing from multiple sources can get you a working solution

Native (recommended)

The best (re: most stable) is to wrap the native in-app billing systems that already exist on the platforms.

iOS has the in-app purchase program Android has in-app billing as a google service

Use the natively provided frameworks for billing, and simply wrap


note that these plugins wrap the native functionality present on the given platform

Android https://github.com/poiuytrez/AndroidInAppBilling

iOS https://github.com/j3k0/PhoneGap-InAppPurchase-iOS

Solutions for crossplatform in app billing have come and gone, and we are likely to see many more. I doubt you will find a canonical rock solid example that will work outside of the box.

Third Party

Urban Airship used to offer something, which apparently is now deprecated: https://support.urbanairship.com/customer/portal/articles/1099036-in-app-purchase-sunset-migration-guide

I don't believe third party payment systems would work for you.

There are many many third party services that offer in-app purchasing, but they are limited to selling actually goods and services by iOS dev license agreement. Here's an SO topic discussing this. Digital goods MUST be handled by the in-app purchasing system offered by Apple.

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Lorenzo Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 02:01
