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Cross Account SNS Lambda Subscription using CDK

I have 2 AWS CDK applications running in separate AWS accounts, and I'm trying to add CDK to get a lambda in one AWS account to subscribe to notifications in the other AWS account.

I tried adding the subscription in the lambda account, but this didn't work, since the SNS account doesn't grant permissions.

CDK in the SNS account:

val myTopic = Topic(this, "my-topic-id", TopicProps.builder()

CDK in the Lambda account:

val myLambda = Function(...)

val crossAccountTopic = Topic.fromTopicArn(this, "topic-id", "arn:aws:sns:<region>:<accountId>:topicName")


Has anyone tried something like this? Is there a way to grant access purely with changes to CDK in both accounts? Or is a manual action required? There may be a way to do this by granting access through IAM roles, so I will investigate this further.

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fileyfood500 Avatar asked Jun 26 '20 22:06


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1 Answers

Yes, you can grant access in both accounts through CDK. First, you must grant access in the providing account, and deploy the CDK/cloudformation stack. Then you can grant access in the client account.

CDK in the SNS account:

val myTopic = Topic(this, "my-topic-id", TopicProps.builder()
PolicyStatement snsAccessPolicy = PolicyStatement.Builder.create()

CDK in the Lambda account:

val myLambda = Function(...)

val crossAccountTopic = Topic.fromTopicArn(this, "topic-id", "arn:aws:sns:<region>:<accountId>:topicName")

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fileyfood500 Avatar answered Jan 01 '23 02:01
