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Cron syntax interpreter? [closed]



Does anyone know of a tool that will given a cron string for example * * * 1 * * tell you what that string translates to?

I know it's not rocket science but I want to be sure that I'm constructing the correct interval for a scheduled task.

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Omar Kooheji Avatar asked Nov 10 '11 10:11

Omar Kooheji

People also ask

What is the use of * * * * * In cron?

It is a wildcard for every part of the cron schedule expression. So * * * * * means every minute of every hour of every day of every month and every day of the week .

How do you read a cron expression?

A cron expression is a string consisting of six or seven subexpressions (fields) that describe individual details of the schedule. These fields, separated by white space, can contain any of the allowed values with various combinations of the allowed characters for that field.

How do I stop a cron job?

You can stop a single cron job by removing its line from the crontab file. To do that, run the crontab -e command and then delete the line for the specific task. Alternatively, you can stop the cron job by commenting it out in the crontab file.

1 Answers

Just found this, was exactly what I was looking for and it seems like what you want too: http://cronchecker.net/

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Jasdeep Gosal Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 08:11

Jasdeep Gosal