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CRON expression to next DateTime with T-SQL on SQL server

I have a column that contains a CRON expression that represents how often a user has to perform a task. I would like to build a view that lists the date and things to do for a given user. But I need to calculate my next CRON occurrence in a datetime in T-SQL. How interpreted my expression CRON in SQL?

example: column value = [0 30 8 1 *?]

I would write: SELECT CrontabSchedule ( '0 30 8 1 *?', GETDATE ()) FROM dbo.UserTasks

Someone has a solution ?

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tdelepine Avatar asked Feb 18 '16 20:02


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1 Answers

There is no built in function within SQL server to genrate Next date based on Cron expression. Only way would be, implemeting cron exprssions in C# and genrate it as dll,then regsiter DLL with SQL server CLR.

Refernces: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/3e0ebe5a-d452-4893-bcef-0a1e2520c076/convert-cron-expression-to-datetime?forum=transactsql


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Harish kakani Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 06:11

Harish kakani