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CRM 2013: Global JavaScript

I need to have JavaScript file globally available in MS CRM 2013 installation. I need to use it's functions on every single page / frame. To achieve this I'm ready to go with any unsupported customization (except cases not available in MS CRM Online).

Do you any idea what working approaches could be?

I have found one article, however it is based on MS CRM 2011 and don't work in version 2013.

Many thanks in advance for any clue.

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shytikov Avatar asked Sep 11 '14 10:09


People also ask

What is JavaScript in CRM?

In addition to being used in Form Event Programming, JavaScript is used in other applications of CRM such as − Open Forms, Views and Dialogs with a unique URL. Using OData and SOAP endpoints to interact with web services. Referencing JavaScript code inside other Web Resources (such as HTML web resources).

Why we use JavaScript in CRM?

Why do we need JavaScript in D365 CRM? It allows us to implement custom logic by using client-side scripting. We use JavaScript to implement custom logic. For example, getting data from another entity based on a field selection or applying field validation.

How do I add JavaScript Web Resources to Dynamics 365?

To add a web resource, select the tab (for example, General or Notes) you would like to insert it on, and then on the Insert tab, select Web Resource. To edit a Web resource, select a form tab and the web resource that you want to edit, and then on the Home tab, select Change Properties.

1 Answers

You can check the source code of this navigation solution:


It injects a JavaScript called by the application ribbon making it available everywhere and works with CRM 2013 (also Online).

like image 149
Guido Preite Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09

Guido Preite