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Creating variable groups in Sass




On the site I'm working on we were using Scaffold, which is a PHP-based system similar to Sass. It also can process Sass functions\files. Unfortunately that system is now abandonware, and we are looking on a way to move completely to Sass. There is one big feature with Scaffold though that I'm not finding a way to port to Sass, the variable groups.

Variable in Scaffold can be organized in groups and used with a point-separated markup. For example I would define them as:

@variables vargroup1{
    variable1: ####;
    variable2: ####;
    variable3: ####;
    variable4: ####;

And later use on the code as, for example.

body{ width: vargroup1.variable1; margin: vargroup1.variable2 + 10;}

This helps development a lot, since you can group together variables from a system and reading the CSS files you can easily know what to reference. I didn't find anything like that on the Sass documentation, anyone knows if it is possible? Or if there is anyway using Mixins to do this?


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Yohan Leafheart Avatar asked Mar 20 '12 00:03

Yohan Leafheart

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2 Answers

There is no equivalent in Sass. But I can think in two workarounds:

1) Sass lists and its related list functions.

Your code could look like the following:

$variables = 40px 30px 20px 10px;

body {width: nth($variables, 1); margin: nth($variables, 2) + 10;}

It's not the same because list indexes can't be strings, so you haven't any way to name your variables.

2) Define a custom function. Look at Function Directives section in Sass reference

@function variables($variable_name) {
  @if ($variable_name == 'variable1') {
    @return 40px;
  } @else if ($variable_name == 'variable2') {
    @return 30px;

body {width: variables('variable_1'); margin: variables('variable_2') + 10;}

This way is less intuitive and uglier but you can 'name your variables'.

like image 195
Waiting for Dev... Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 00:11

Waiting for Dev...

I came across this somewhat clunky solution (see Chris Eppstein's reply) using zip and index. Apparently a maintainer of SASS added these built-in functions in response to a similar question.

To quote his reply:

$border-names: a, b, c;
$border-widths: 1px, 1px, 2px;
$border-styles: solid, dashed, solid;
$border-colors: red, green, blue;
$borders: zip($border-widths, $border-styles, $border-colors);

@function border-for($name) {
   @return nth($borders, index($border-names, $name))

@each $name in $border-names {
  .border-#{$name} {
    border: border-for($name);

Would generate:

.border-a { border: 1px solid red; }
.border-b { border: 1px dashed green; }
.border-c { border: 2px solid blue; }

The "naming your variables" comes from the list "-names" at the top; you then use the index of a desired variable name from that variable list to get the nth value from another variable lists. zip is used to mush separate lists together, so that you can retrieve the same index from all lists at the same time. Wrapping that behavior in a function makes it easier to retrieve a set.

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drzaus Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 00:11
