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Creating 'Top 10' lists in R



I have a data frame where each row represents a recorded event. As an example, let's say I measured the speed of passing cars, and some cars passed me more than once.

cardata <- data.frame(
  car.ID = c(3,4,1,2,5,4,5),
  speed = c(100,121,56,73,87,111,107)

I can sort the list and pull out the three fastest events...

> top3
  car.ID speed
2      4   121
6      4   111
7      5   107

... but you'll notice that car 4 recorded the two fastest times. How do I find the three fastest events without any duplicate car ID's? I realize that may 'Top 3' list will not include the three fastest events in this instance.

like image 828
mdd Avatar asked Nov 05 '13 20:11


2 Answers

You can use aggregate to first find the top speed per car.ID:

cartop <- aggregate(speed ~ car.ID, data = cardata, FUN = max)
top3 <- head(cartop[order(cartop$speed, decreasing = TRUE), ], n = 3)

 #   car.ID speed
 # 4      4   121
 # 5      5   107
 # 3      3   100
like image 101
flodel Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10


Using data.table instead of data.frame:

dt = data.table(cardata)

# the easier to read way
dt[order(-speed), speed[1], by = car.ID][1:3]
#   car.ID  V1
#1:      4 121
#2:      5 107
#3:      3 100

# (probably) a faster way
setkey(dt, speed) # faster sort by speed
tail(dt[, speed[.N], by = car.ID], 3)
#  car.ID  V1
#1:      5 107
#2:      3 100
#3:      4 121

# and another way for fun (not sure how fast it is)
setkey(dt, car.ID, speed)
tail(dt[J(unique(car.ID)), mult = 'last'], 3)
like image 21
eddi Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10
