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Creating test data for a bulk insert

I'm interested in learning some new skills and have been reading up about bulk inserts. So I have created two tables in sql server 2008 1) Client 2)ClientDetails, the set designs are as below:

Client Table

ClientID | ClientName | DetailsID

ClientDetails Table

DetailsID | Address1 | Address2 | Country

My question is, i want to create about 10,000 rows of data to try and use a bulk insert, how could i create 10,000 rows of random test data to use a bulk insert into the two tables?

like image 495
Peter Avatar asked Dec 27 '22 07:12


1 Answers

There are a number of data generator sites available online. The one I have used most is http://www.generatedata.com/#generator. This will allow you to create a lot of realistic data, including things like name, phone, address and country, and export them in a variety of formats. It only allows a max of 5,000 records, but just run it twice and you've got your 10,000.

like image 105
techturtle Avatar answered Jan 18 '23 13:01
