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Creating sum tree of binary tree scala

For a homework assignment I wrote some scala code in which I have the following classes and object (used for modeling a binary tree):

object Tree {
  def fold[B](t: Tree, e: B, n: (Int, B, B) => B): B = t match {
    case Node(value, l, r) => n(value,fold(l,e,n),fold(r,e,n))
    case _ => e
  def sumTree(t: Tree): Tree = 
    fold(t, Nil(), (a, b: Tree, c: Tree) => {
      val left = b match {
        case Node(value, _, _) => value
        case _ => 0
      val right = c match {
        case Node(value, _, _) => value
        case _ => 0

abstract case class Tree
case class Node(value: Int, left: Tree, right: Tree) extends Tree
case class Nil extends Tree

My question is about the sumTree function which creates a new tree where the nodes have values equal to the sum of the values of its children plus it's own value.

I find it rather ugly looking and I wonder if there is a better way to do this. If I use recursion which works top-down this would be easier, but I could not come up with such a function.

I have to implement the fold function, with a signature as in the code, to calculate sumTree

I got the feeling this can be implemented in a better way, maybe you have suggestions?

like image 611
roelio Avatar asked Mar 11 '12 20:03


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1 Answers

First of all, I believe and if I may say so, you've done a very good job. I can suggest a couple of slight changes to your code:

abstract class Tree 
case class Node(value: Int, left: Tree, right: Tree) extends Tree
case object Nil extends Tree
  1. Tree doesn't need to be a case-class, besides using a case-class as non-leaf node is deprecated because of possible erroneous behaviour of automatically generated methods.
  2. Nil is a singleton and best defined as a case-object instead of case-class.
  3. Additionally consider qualifying super class Tree with sealed. sealed tells compiler that the class can only be inherited from within the same source file. This lets compiler emit warnings whenever a following match expression is not exhaustive - in other words doesn't include all possible cases.

    sealed abstract class Tree

The next couple of improvement could be made to the sumTree:

def sumTree(t: Tree) = {
  // create a helper function to extract Tree value
  val nodeValue: Tree=>Int = {
    case Node(v,_,_) => v
    case _ => 0
  // parametrise fold with Tree to aid type inference further down the line
  fold[Tree](t,Nil,(acc,l,r)=>Node(acc + nodeValue(l) + nodeValue(r) ,l,r)) 

nodeValue helper function can also be defined as (the alternative notation I used above is possible because a sequence of cases in curly braces is treated as a function literal):

def nodeValue (t:Tree) = t match {
  case Node(v,_,_) => v
  case _ => 0

Next little improvement is parametrising fold method with Tree (fold[Tree]). Because Scala type inferer works through the expression sequentially left-to-right telling it early that we're going to deal with Tree's lets us omit type information when defining function literal which is passed to fold further on.

So here is the full code including suggestions:

sealed abstract class Tree
case class Node(value: Int, left: Tree, right: Tree) extends Tree
case object Nil extends Tree

object Tree {
  def fold[B](t: Tree, e: B, n: (Int, B, B) => B): B = t match {
    case Node(value, l, r) => n(value,fold(l,e,n),fold(r,e,n))
    case _ => e
  def sumTree(t: Tree) = {
    val nodeValue: Tree=>Int = {
      case Node(v,_,_) => v
      case _ => 0
    fold[Tree](t,Nil,(acc,l,r)=>Node(acc + nodeValue(l) + nodeValue(r) ,l,r)) 

The recursion you came up with is the only possible direction that lets you traverse the tree and produce a modified copy of the immutable data structure. Any leaf nodes have to be created first before being added to the root, because individual nodes of the tree are immutable and all objects necessary to construct a node have to be known before the construction: leaf nodes need to be created before you can create root node.

like image 188
Vlad Gudim Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 09:11

Vlad Gudim