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Creating SQLite3 Database on Mac



I apologize for the extremely noobish quesetion, though I could not understand the answer provided here: Where is SQLite database stored on disk?. When creating a table within the SQLite3 shell via these commands as suggested here (Bulk load data into sqlite?):

 sqlite3 myDatabase
 create table myTable (a, b, c);
 .separator ','
 .import  myFile  myTable

I was not able to determine where "myDatabase" is actually saved to. Could someone please help me understand which folder it is typically saved to on a Mac, or how I could specify a folder to save it to.

Thanks so much for your help and patience

like image 770
NumenorForLife Avatar asked Jul 22 '13 22:07


1 Answers

This will create the SQLite database where your terminal window currently is, which is usually your user profile folder:

enter image description here

You can go to that folder by going to :

enter image description here

like image 182
Khattab Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 09:11
