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Creating SQL Server login via script using variable

I am trying to create a SQL Server login following the creation of a database through script. The login is local to the host PC and this script will be run on multiple hosts.

What I want to do is the following:

USING MyDatabase
CREATE MyUser FOR LOGIN USER <computer name>/MyUser 

What I don't know how to do is incorporate the computer name (ex. Location0001) into this statement.

The login does exist on each machine AND is already listed on the SQL Server as it has access to other databases there.

If it's relevant, the script should be able to run on SQL Server 2008.

The login would look like this for each machine:


Any help would be appreciate, thanks.

Edit: My final solution based on the accepted answer is as follows:

SET @cmd = N'CREATE USER [MyUser] FOR LOGIN [' + HOST_NAME() + '\MyUser]'
EXEC (@cmd)
like image 322
Terry Avatar asked Sep 27 '11 18:09


Video Answer

1 Answers

You can use the @@servername property to get the name of the machine: select @@servername

declare @cmd varchar(200), @username varchar(50)

set @username = 'testuser'
set @cmd = ' 
   USE MyDatabase
   CREATE USER MyUser FOR LOGIN '+@@servername+'\'+@username 
PRINT @cmd
EXEC (@cmd)
like image 97
Michal Barcik Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 19:11

Michal Barcik