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Creating single EXE using py2exe for a Tkinter program

I'm trying to use minty's solution provided on this link to generate a single exe file for my Tkinter based program:

py2exe - generate single executable file

Here's what I wrote in the setup.py:

from distutils.core import setup
import py2exe, sys, os


setup(windows=[{'script': 'filename.py'}], \
            options={"py2exe": {"includes": ["decimal", "Tkinter", \
            "tkFileDialog", "csv", "xml.dom.minidom", "os"], \
            'bundle_files': 1, 'compressed': False}}, \
            zipfile = None)

It creates a 'tcl' folder for Tkinter stuff even though I have specified bundle_files = 1. Plus it also generates some other exe w9xpopen.exe. My actual exe, however, does not run, and it doesn't give any errors either. It doesn't even work if I remove all those includes.

Any thoughts on what I could be missing here? I'm working on a 64-bit Windows 7 machine.

like image 305
Muhammad Farhan Avatar asked Feb 20 '13 08:02

Muhammad Farhan

People also ask

Does PyInstaller work with tkinter?

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Video Answer

1 Answers

Thanks to this link, you have to edit site-packages/py2exe/build_exe.py and add "tcl85.dll" and "tk85.dll" to the dlls_in_exedir list. This will get it to run, although you'll still have the tcl folders, and those two dlls will be there along-side the exe. But it's way better than bundle_files=3.

        self.dlls_in_exedir = [python_dll,
                               "w9xpopen%s.exe" % (is_debug_build and "_d" or ""),
                               "msvcr71%s.dll" % (is_debug_build and "d" or ""),
like image 65
Claudiu Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 17:09
