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creating self-signed certificates with open ssl on windows



I am following these guidelines to generate self-signed certificates with OpenSSL.

I am under Windows 10. My working directory is as follows:

PS E:\Certificats\predix\root\ca> ls

    Directory: E:\Certificats\predix\root\ca

Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
d-----         9/1/2016  11:57 AM                certs
d-----         9/1/2016  11:55 AM                crl
d-----         9/1/2016  12:00 PM                intermediate
d-----         9/1/2016  11:55 AM                newcerts
d-----         9/1/2016  11:56 AM                private
-a----         9/1/2016  11:55 AM              2 index.txt
-a----         9/1/2016  11:56 AM           4306 openssl.cnf
-a----         9/1/2016  11:55 AM             14 serial

After several steps in the guideline, when I type

openssl ca -config openssl.cnf -extensions v3_intermediate_ca -days 3650 -notext -md s

I get the following error

Using configuration from openssl.cnf
Enter pass phrase for ./private/ca.key.pem:
unable to load number from ./serial
error while loading serial number
12944:error:0D066096:asn1 encoding routines:a2i_ASN1_INTEGER:short line:.\crypto\asn1\f_int.c:212:
PS E:\Certificats\predix\root\ca> openssl ca -config openssl.cnf -extensions v3_intermediate_ca -days 3650 -notext -md sha256 -in intermediate/csr/intermediate.csr.pem  -out intermediate/certs/intermediate.cert.pem
Using configuration from openssl.cnf

telling me that it has some issue reading the serial file.

The content of serial is


Does anyone have a fix for this ? The file exists and its pathname in the conf file is the correct...

like image 687
SMarmorat Avatar asked Sep 01 '16 11:09


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To Create self-signed SSL certificate on Windows system using OpenSSL follow below Steps. First install the OpenSSL. 1. To create the self-signed SSL certificate first you have to install the OpenSSL application in your windows system. You can download the application from here. Install the software in “C:Program FilesOpenSSL-Win64” location.

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2 Answers

Solved the issue myself: I created the serial file using

echo 00 > serial

which produced a Unicode file while openssl was expecting an ANSI file.

like image 125
SMarmorat Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 13:10


For others that still received the error after applying the suggested answer of:

PS> echo 00 > serial
unable to load number from ./serial
error while loading serial number
29488:error:0D066096:asn1 encoding routines:a2i_ASN1_INTEGER:short line:crypto\asn1\f_int.c:140:

I was able to fix this by running the same command in Git Bash terminal. This placed the file in the appropriate format for openssl.

like image 21
DarkFm Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 13:10
