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Creating Python pip bundle with my projects

I am developing some apps which depends on one of them. I see pip can create bundles. I have all my projects source in one dir.

How to create bundle for these projects and then install in other Ubuntu system? probably I should use virtualenv. Is it possible to have one virtualenv for all of them?

like image 375
marcinpz Avatar asked Feb 01 '12 08:02


1 Answers

To create a bundle, use something like:

pip bundle <name of bundle>.pybundle -r requirements.txt

where requirements.txt contains your list of apps to install. Or you can create a bundle with a single app (why?):

pip bundle <name of bundle>.pybundle <my app>

Then, on the other system, to install your bundle, you use:

pip install <name of bundle>.pybundle

Note the .pybundle extension for your bundle - you need this for pip to recognise it - install the bundle without an extension didn't work for me.

However pip bundle has been deprecated in 1.4 release and it will be removed in 1.5 release, see change log

Cheers, Victor

like image 121
victorhooi Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 10:10
