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Creating multiple read-only properties dynamically in AS3

I have a class which at the moment is quite messy/repetitive:

public class AvFramework extends Object
    // vars
    private var _handler:AvHandler;
    private var _keyboard:AvKeyboard;
    private var _manager:AvManager;

     * Constructor
    public function AvFramework()
        _handler = new AvHandler();
        _keyboard = new AvKeyboard();
        _manager = new AvManager();

        // attach
        _handler.framework = this;
        _keyboard.framework = this;
        _manager.framework = this;

     * Getters
    public function get keyboard():AvKeyboard{ return _keyboard; }
    public function get manager():AvManager{ return _manager; }

This class is only going to need to make use of more and more classes, and I don't really want to have 3 huge lists for this like above.

Is there a way to do the above dynamically - maybe using getDefinitonByName() in a loop of strings to represent the classes I want to create.

I also want the properties to be read-only and to be accessed via framework.myDynamicVarHere.

I'm thinking something along these lines:

  1. I create a list of the classes I want to create instances of, paired with the variable name they should be accessed by.
  2. I will need to make the class dynamic so that I can set the vars via this["var"] = new Blah();

Quick snippet of where my thoughts are going:

var required:Object =
    keyboard: "avian.framework.background.AvKeyboard",
    manager: "avian.framework.background.AvManager",
    handler: "avian.framework.background.AvHandler"

var i:String;
for(i in required)
    var Req:Class = Class(getDefinitionByName(required[i]));

    this[i] = new Req();
    AvFrameworkObject(this[i]).framework = this;

Just not sure how I would be able to make these read-only.

like image 410
Marty Avatar asked Jun 03 '11 03:06


2 Answers

You can use Proxy class to control get/set call and complete Eugeny89 answer. Look at http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/flash/utils/Proxy.html or http://blog.joa-ebert.com/2007/05/25/as3-proxy-example/

var required:Object =
    keyboard: "avian.framework.background.AvKeyboard",
    manager: "avian.framework.background.AvManager",
    handler: "avian.framework.background.AvHandler"

import flash.utils.Proxy;
import flash.utils.flash_proxy;
public dynamic class AvFramework extends Proxy { 
    private var holder: Object = {};

    public function AvFramework() {
        var i:String;
        for(i in required)
            var Req:Class = Class(getDefinitionByName(required[i]));
            var name = //get Class name from required[i] e.g. AvKeyboard from avian.framework.background.AvKeyboard
            holder[name] = new Req();
            holder[name].framework = this;

    flash_proxy override function getProperty( name: * ): *
        return holder[name];

    flash_proxy function setProperty(name:*, value:*):void
        // Do nothing

With this code, when you do myAvFrameworkObj.something, getProperty() is automaticaly call and you get property name from "name" variable.

like image 196
Simon Eyraud Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09

Simon Eyraud

Maybe you'll try to wrap that long list of classws in object:

var required:Object =
    keyboard: "avian.framework.background.AvKeyboard",
    manager: "avian.framework.background.AvManager",
    handler: "avian.framework.background.AvHandler"

public class AvFramework extends Object { 
    private var holder: Object;

    public function AvFramework() {
        holder = new Object();

        var i:String;
        for(i in required)
            var Req:Class = Class(getDefinitionByName(required[i]));
            var name = //get Class name from required[i] e.g. AvKeyboard from avian.framework.background.AvKeyboard
            holder[name] = new Req();
            holder[name].framework = this;

    public var getHolder() { return holder; }

You can refer to e.g. AvKeyboard by framework.getHolder()["AvKeyboard"] or even by framework.getHolder()[someVar]. So all this classes from required are read-only, as holder is read-only.

Hope that'll help you!

like image 43
Eugeny89 Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 14:09
