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Creating line plot with time scale and labels in r





I am trying to create the plot like following (many times I end up drawing a plot like this by hand, but this time I want to plot it myself).

enter image description here

Here is my data and my trial:

myd <- data.frame (period = c("Triassic", "Jurasic", 
 "Cretaceous", "Cenzoic"), myears = c(245, 208, 145, 65), 
 label = c(226, 176,105, 32 ))
myd2 <- data.frame (event = c("Diansaurs_strt", "Birds", 
  "Diansaurs_ext", "Human"), myears = c(235, 200, 60, 0.5))
myd2$x <- -0.25
with (myd2, plot(x,myears,ylim=c(0,250),
xlim = c(0, 10), axes=F,xlab="",ylab="",type="p",pch=17))
with (myd2,text(x,myears,event,pos=4,xpd=T))
axis(side=2,at = myd$label, labels = myd$period)

enter image description here

I have issues particularly matching of axis with plot and orientation of text and points. Any other idea or improvement help appreciated.

like image 616
shNIL Avatar asked Dec 19 '12 15:12


People also ask

How do I add labels to a plot in R?

Use the title( ) function to add labels to a plot. Many other graphical parameters (such as text size, font, rotation, and color) can also be specified in the title( ) function. # labels 25% smaller than the default and green.

1 Answers

For constructing novel plots "from the ground up", and for maximal control over individual graphical elements, the grid graphical system is hard to beat:


## Set up plotting area with reasonable x-y limits
## and a "native" scale related to the scale of the data.
x <- -1:1
y <-  extendrange(c(myd$myears, myd2$myears))
dvp <- dataViewport(x, y, name = "figure")


## Plot the central timeline
grid.lines(unit(0, "native"), unit(c(0,245), "native"),
           gp = gpar(col="dodgerblue"))

## Annotate LHS
grid.segments(x0=0.5, x1=0.47,
              y0=unit(c(0, myd$myears), "native"),
              y1=unit(c(0, myd$myears), "native"),
grid.text(label=c(0, myd$myears), x=0.44, y=unit(c(0, myd$myears), "native"))
grid.text(label=myd$period, x=0.3, y=unit(myd$label, "native"),
          just=0, gp=gpar(col="dodgerblue", fontface="italic"))

## Annotate RHS
## Create a function that plots a pointer to the specified coordinate
pointer <- function(x, y, width=1) {
    grid.polygon(x = x + unit(width*(c(0, .1, .1)), "npc"),
                 y = y + unit(width*(c(0, .03, -.03)), "npc"), 
                 gp = gpar(fill="dodgerblue", col="blue", lwd=2))
## Call it once for each milestone
for(y in myd2$myears) {
    pointer(unit(.5, "npc"), y=unit(y, "native"), width=0.3)
## Or, if you just want blue line segments instead of those gaudy pointers:
## grid.segments(x0=0.5, x1=0.53,
##           y0=unit(c(myd2$myears), "native"),
##           y1=unit(c(myd2$myears), "native"), gp=gpar(col="dodgerblue"))

grid.text(label=myd2$event, x=0.55, y=unit(myd2$myears, "native"),

enter image description here

like image 148
Josh O'Brien Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 20:09

Josh O'Brien