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Creating folder using perl




I want to create folder using perl where, in the same folder, a perl script exists. I created FolderCreator.pl which requires an input parameter of folder name.

unless(chdir($ARGV[0]){ # If the dir available change current , unless
    mkdir($ARGV[0], 0700);                             # Create a directory
    chdir($ARGV[0]) or die "can't chdir $ARGV[0]\n";    # Then change or stop

This worked fine only if we call the scipt, in the same folder where it resides. If it is called in another folder, if doesn't work.


.../Scripts/ScriptContainFolder> perl FolderCreator.pl New
.../Scripts> perl ./ScriptContainFolder/FolderCreator.pl New

First one is working fine but second one doesn't. Is there way create these folders?

like image 521
DarRay Avatar asked May 11 '11 05:05


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2 Answers

You can use the FindBin module, which give us the $Bin variable. It locates the full path to the script bin directory to allow the use of paths relative to the bin directory.

use FindBin qw($Bin);

my $folder = "$Bin/$ARGV[0]";

mkdir($folder, 0700) unless(-d $folder );
chdir($folder) or die "can't chdir $folder\n";
like image 65
Miguel Prz Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 14:09

Miguel Prz

I think it works exactly as it is written, except you have a typo, namely missing a closing parenthesis around chdir.

unless(chdir($ARGV[0])) {   #fixed typo
    mkdir($ARGV[0], 0700);
    chdir($ARGV[0]) or die "can't chdir $ARGV[0]\n";

The script runs like this:

  1. If the script cant chdir to $ARGV[0] then:
  2. Make the directory $ARGV[0], with the permission mask 0700.
  3. Change the working directory to $ARGV[0] or exit the script with the error text "cant chdir..".

The starting directory for the script will be the directory it is called from, whatever that directory may be. On *nix that'll be the $ENV{PWD} variable inside your script. It will make a new folder in any folder it has permission to do so.

I think this behavior is logical, and as it should be. If you want your example to work, do this:

.../Scripts> perl ./ScriptContainFolder/FolderCreator.pl ScriptContainFolder/New

You can also use an absolute path, such as

?> FolderCreator.pl /home/m/me/Scripts/ScriptContainFolder/New

ETA: Oh, and you should of course always, always put this in your scripts, no matter how small:

use strict;
use warnings;
like image 41
TLP Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 14:09