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Creating excel chart from text file




I am running a simulation that saves some result in a file from which I take the data I need and save it in


like so:

SAN.statisticsCollector.Network Response Time
Min: 0.210169
Max: 8781.55
average: 346.966666667

I do all this using python, and it was easy to convert result.dat into an excel file using xlwt. The problem is that creating charts using xlwt is not possible. I than came across Jpype, but installation on my ubuntu 12.04 machine was a headache. I'm probably just being lazy but still - is there any other way, not necessarily python-related, to convert result.dat into an excel file with charts?


P.s the file I want to create is a spreadsheet, not Microsoft's Excel!

like image 409
Yotam Avatar asked Aug 13 '12 19:08


1 Answers

there is a now a new possibility: http://pythonhosted.org/openpyxl/charts.html and http://xlsxwriter.readthedocs.org/chart.html

like image 72
RuiDC Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 09:09