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Creating Bot fighter in asp.net

Many sites I visited will display an image containing some random characters. I have to type the characters into the box before I can proceed. I assume this is to prevent some robot from flood the database with too many entries.

I have been asked by my management to do some similar. I write in asp.net with c#. Are there any tools out there to make this easier? I could probably write something from scratch. Although I’m not sure how I would create an image with random characters.

like image 765
Bob Avallone Avatar asked Dec 13 '22 12:12

Bob Avallone

1 Answers

The thing you look for is called a CAPTCHA

You can use ReCaptcha: http://www.google.com/recaptcha

it's a free and easy to use captcha service

like image 133
Variant Avatar answered Dec 28 '22 02:12
