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Creating and updating the global list with with angularjs in ionic


I try to declare a global list in my ionic project with rootScope variable. My aim is to update this list with specific messages. According to my scenario, I have different views with their forms. I try to hold completed actions in another view in the application. When I press the button of "x" form, "x form is completed" message should be pushed into that global list. After that, when I press the button of "y" form, "y form is completed" message should be appended to that list. Then, I display the content of global list in the completed action view.

In each view, I have a button as shown in screenshot2.

Also, I connected those views with a controller in the controller.js file below:

I created a global list using rootScope for other controllers to reach that list values

 .controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, $rootScope, $state) {

      $rootScope.onButtonClick = function (obj) {
        $rootScope.buttons = [];

Then I connected Completed Actions view with another controller to display the final view of the list to see all pressed buttons in the application:

 .controller('CompletedCtrl', function($scope,$rootScope,$state) {

    $scope.buttons = $rootScope.buttons;

    $scope.onCompletedButtonClick = function(){



Completed Actions view (html file):

    <span style="color:white">COMPLETED TravelBuddy</span>



  <div class="list">


  <ion-item ng-repeat="item in buttons">


  <label class="item">
      <button class="button button-block button-balanced" ng-click="onCompletedButtonClick()">+</button>


After I run my mobile application, I can not display all pushed items from the list, I only see the first pressed button message in the completed actions in screenshot1. How could I solve this problem?screenshot1screenshot2

like image 812
Gizem Avatar asked Dec 24 '16 16:12


1 Answers

You wrote "message should be appended to that list."

but you clean it each time a button is clicked.

move this line out of onButtonClick: rootScope.buttons = [];

like image 60
Tal Bussel Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 05:10

Tal Bussel