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Creating and throwing new exception



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How do you create and throw an exception?

A method to throw a custom Java exception As you can see, all you need to do to throw your custom exception is (1) create a new instance of the exception (new AlsCustomException("Anything but zero ...")), and then (2) throw that exception with the throw keyword.

What does it mean to throw new exception?

While when you say throw new Exception() this means you are saying move the program control to caller and don't execute the further statements after this throw statement.

What does throw new exception do C#?

Exceptions are used to indicate that an error has occurred while running the program. Exception objects that describe an error are created and then thrown with the throw keyword.

To call a specific exception such as FileNotFoundException use this format

if (-not (Test-Path $file)) 
    throw [System.IO.FileNotFoundException] "$file not found."

To throw a general exception use the throw command followed by a string.

throw "Error trying to do a task"

When used inside a catch, you can provide additional information about what triggered the error

You can throw your own custom errors by extending the Exception class.

class CustomException : Exception {
    [string] $additionalData

    CustomException($Message, $additionalData) : base($Message) {
        $this.additionalData = $additionalData

try {
    throw [CustomException]::new('Error message', 'Extra data')
} catch [CustomException] {
    # NOTE: To access your custom exception you must use $_.Exception
    Write-Output $_.Exception.additionalData

    # This will produce the error message: Didn't catch it the second time
    throw [CustomException]::new("Didn't catch it the second time", 'Extra data')