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Creating an NSMutableArray with a literal via mutableCopy or arrayWithArray: [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
Is literal creation of an NSMutableDictionary less efficient than the class helper method?

According to the WWDC video that introduces ObjectiveC literals, NSMutableArrays can be initialized like so:

[NSMutableArray arrayWithArray:@[]];

but what if we were to do it like this:

[@[] mutableCopy];

I know that one is initializing the array, and the other is just providing a shallow copy; thus the memory management is different. But if we are using ARC, what are the disadvantages of using the latter? Is it more expensive? ARC probably handles both differently, but I'm just wondering if using mutableCopy is 'worse' or not.

like image 866
KDaker Avatar asked Sep 28 '12 17:09


People also ask

Can you create a mutable array and mutable dictionary using literal syntax?

No. Just as how there isn't a syntax for creating an NSMutableString either. Mutable objects are not particularly suited to literal values.

What is mutableCopy Objective C?

The mutableCopy method returns the object created by implementing NSMutableCopying protocol's mutableCopyWithZone: By sending: NSString* myString; NSMutableString* newString = [myString mutableCopy]; The return value WILL be mutable.

1 Answers

In the former case, you end up with two objects added to the current autorelease pool: the NSArray literal and the NSMutableArray that you’re creating from it. In the latter, the literal NSArray gets added to the autorelease pool but the NSMutableArray copied from it does not. So the first case is slightly worse, performance-wise, in that draining the autorelease pool (e.g. at the end of the run-loop cycle) requires releasing both objects in succession, while in the second case the copy will get released separately from the autoreleased literal. In practice, the time difference will be infinitesimal.

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Noah Witherspoon Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 08:09

Noah Witherspoon