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Creating an instance of type(self) dynamically without calling __init__?





This is quite hard to explain. I have a class which should support the method copy_stateonly(). It should return a crippled version of the object which only contains the (copied) data members that I want. I hope this example explains it better:

# everything inherits from this
class SuperBase:
    def __init__(self):
        self.state_var = 3 # this should be copied into future objects
        self.non_state_var = 0 # we don't want to copy this

    def copy_stateonly(self):
        newobj = # ??????????? create instance without calling __init__
        newobj.state_var = self.state_var
        return newobj

# some clases inherit from this
class Base(SuperBase):
    def __init__(self):
        self.isflying = True # we want to copy this, this is state
        self.sprite = "sprites/plane_generic.png" # we must drop this

    def copy_stateonly(self):
        newobj = SuperBase.copy_stateonly(self)
        newobj.isflying = self.isflying
        return newobj

class A144fighter(Base):
    def __init__(self, teamname): # note required __init__ argument
        self.colors = ["black", "grey"] # we want to copy this, this is state
        self.name = teamname # we must drop this

    def copy_stateonly(self):
        newobj = Base.copy_stateonly(self)
        newobj.colors = self.colors[:]
        return newobj

plane = A144fighter("team_blue")
plane_state = plane.copy_stateonly() # this should return an A144fighter object with only state_var, flying and colors set.

Python 2.7

like image 386
orlp Avatar asked Nov 05 '11 16:11


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2 Answers

I'm not aware of a way to create new instances of classic classes (which is what you used in your example) without calling __init__(). New instances of new-style classes (descendants of object) can be created using


where cls is the type of object you would like to create.

An alternative is to use copy.copy() for copying, possibly overwriting __getstate__() and __setstate__() to define what should be copied.

Edit: To create a new instance of a classic class cls without calling __init__(), you can use the following hack:

class EmptyClass:

new_instance = EmptyClass()
new_instance.__class__ = cls
like image 50
Sven Marnach Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 20:10

Sven Marnach

Remember that every object has a attribute named __class__. If you do <object>.__class__ it, will return that object's class object (if that makes sense). The class object is callable so you can add parentheses to the end to create a new instance of that class.

newobj = self.__class__()
like image 30
Tyler Crompton Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 19:10

Tyler Crompton