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Creating an IDisposable class in c# which cleans up an SqlConnection when finished with

In an answer to a previous question somebody recommended:

have the SqlConnection a member variable of your class, but make the class IDisposable and dispose of the SqlConnection when the class is disposed

I have put together an implementation of this suggestion (below) but wanted to check that this implementation is correct (obviously it doesn't currently do anything except open the connection but the idea is that there would be methods in there which would use the connection and which would be able to rely on it existing and being open).

public class DatabaseRecord : IDisposable
    protected SqlConnection connection;

    public DatabaseRecord()
        connection = new SqlConnection("ConnectionString");

    // IDisposable implementation

    private bool disposed;
    public void Dispose()

    private void Dispose(bool disposing)
        if (!this.disposed)
            if (disposing)
            disposed = true;


    // Destructor

Will this work? Will classes which use instances of DatabaseRecord need to do anything special or will the Dispose automatically be called once the instances are no longer used/ referenced? Is this more efficient/ better than using using (var connection = new SqlConnection("...")) { } in each separate method body where the connection is needed?

like image 201
vitch Avatar asked Dec 23 '22 06:12


1 Answers

SqlConnection is a managed resource, and should be disposed within the if (disposing) block. Classes using your class should dispose it, ideally witrh a using block. Whether this is better than individual using blocks for SqlConnections will depend on the other methods of this class and how they are used.

like image 61
David M Avatar answered Jan 13 '23 11:01

David M