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Creating an Hierarchy-Object with an undefined number of childs




I am currently working on a "code parser" parsing Valve Map Format (.vmf files) into a java readable Object.

In vmf files,

  • there are 2 types of objects: Classes and Properties.
  • classes have a name and can contain other classes and properties.
  • properties have a name and an unlimited number of values.

Therefore I created a VMFClass Object Class and a VMFProperty Object Class. I created a List with self-created HierarchyObjects, containing the VMFClass/VMFProperty Object, an UUID and the parentUUID. The VMFClass Object Contains 2 Lists one with sub-VMFClasses, one with properties.

My Problem is that I have no clue on how to achieve that a Class contains all of its subclasses, since I can't tell how much subclasses the subclasses have and so on...

Here is my Code (Github):


package net.minecraft.sourcecraftreloaded.utils;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class HierarchyObject {
    private static Map<Long, Long> usedUUIDs = new HashMap<>();
    private long parentUUID;
    private long UUID;
    private Object object;

     * @param Object
     * @param parent -1 is maximum level
    public HierarchyObject(Object object, long parent) {
        this.object = object;
        this.parentUUID = parent;
        while (true) {
            long random = (long) (Math.random() * Long.MAX_VALUE);
            if (usedUUIDs.containsKey(random)) {
                this.UUID = random;
                usedUUIDs.put(random, parent);

    public long getUUID() {
        return UUID;
    public long getParentUUID() {
        return parentUUID;

    public static long getParentUUIDbyUUID(long UUID) {
        if (usedUUIDs.containsKey(UUID)) {
            return usedUUIDs.get(UUID);
        return -1;

    public Object getObject() {
        return object;

    public static boolean hasChild(long UUID){
            return true;
        if(UUID == -1){
            return true;
        return false;

    public boolean hasChild(){
        return hasChild(this.UUID);

    public static long[] getChildUUIDs(long UUID){
            List<Long> cUUIDs = new ArrayList<>();
            for(int i = 0; i < usedUUIDs.size(); i++){
                for (Map.Entry<Long, Long> e : usedUUIDs.entrySet()) {
                    if(e.getValue().longValue() == UUID){
            return ListUtils.toPrimitivebyList(cUUIDs);
        return null;


package net.minecraft.sourcecraftreloaded.source;

public class VMFProperty{

    private String name;
    private String[] values;

    public VMFProperty(String name, String... values) {
        this.name = name;
        this.values = values;

    public String getName() {
        return name;
    public String[] getValues() {
        return values;

    public boolean equals(Object paramObject){
        if(paramObject instanceof VMFProperty){
            return ((VMFProperty)paramObject).name.equals(this.name) && ((VMFProperty)paramObject).values.equals(this.values);
        return false;


package net.minecraft.sourcecraftreloaded.source;

import java.util.List;

public class VMFClass{
    private List<VMFClass> classes;
    private List<VMFProperty> properties;
    private String name;

    public VMFClass(String name, List<VMFClass> classes, List<VMFProperty> properties) {
        this.name = name;
        this.classes = classes;
        this.properties = properties;

    public String getName() {
        return name;
    public List<VMFClass> getClasses() {
        return classes;
    public List<VMFProperty> getProperties() {
        return properties;
    public void add(VMFClass vmfclass) {
    public void add(VMFProperty vmfproperty) {
    public void remove(VMFClass vmfclass) {
    public void remove(VMFProperty vmfproperty) {

    public boolean equals(Object paramObject){
        if(paramObject instanceof VMFClass){
            return ((VMFClass)paramObject).properties.equals(this.properties) && ((VMFClass)paramObject).classes.equals(this.classes) && ((VMFClass)paramObject).name.equals(this.name);
        return false;

VMFObject (the class executing all the code):

package net.minecraft.sourcecraftreloaded.source;

import java.io.File;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import net.minecraft.sourcecraftreloaded.utils.HierarchyObject;

public class VMFObject {
    private String rawfile = "";
    private List<VMFClass> toplevelclasses;

    private static final String INVALID_CHARS = "\\*,;<>|?=`´#'+~^°!§$%&()[].:-_";

    public VMFObject(List<VMFClass> toplevelclasses) {
        this.toplevelclasses = toplevelclasses;

    public VMFObject() {
        this(new ArrayList<VMFClass>());

    public void write(File file) {
        VMFWriter.write(file, rawfile);

    public VMFObject read(File file) throws VMFParsingException {
        this.rawfile = VMFReader.read(file);
        return this;
    public List<VMFClass> getClasses() {
        return toplevelclasses;

    private void parse() throws VMFParsingException {

    private void evaluate() throws VMFParsingException {
        char[] textchars = rawfile.toCharArray();
        int[] c = new int[]{0, 0, 0};
        int line = 0;
        int linepos = 0;
        for (int i : textchars) {
            if (textchars[i] == '\n') {
                linepos = 0;
                c[3] = 0;
                if (c[3] % 2 != 0) {
                    throw new VMFParsingException("Invalid quotes on line" + line + ":" + linepos);
            if (textchars[i] == '{') {
            if (textchars[i] == '}') {
            if (textchars[i] == '"') {
                if (c[1] - c[2] == 0) {

            if (textchars[i] == '/' && textchars[i + 1] == '/') {
                while (true) {
                    if (textchars[i] == '\n') {
            if (textchars[i] == '/' && textchars[i + 1] == ' ') {
                throw new VMFParsingException("Invalid Character '/' on line" + line + ":" + linepos);
            if (INVALID_CHARS.indexOf(textchars[i]) != -1) {
                throw new VMFParsingException("Invalid Character '" + textchars[i] + "' on line" + line + ":" + linepos);
        if (c[1] != c[2]) {
            throw new VMFParsingException("Unbalanced brackets in vmf File");

    public void add(VMFClass vmfclass) {

    private void get() throws VMFParsingException {
        List<HierarchyObject> content = new ArrayList<>();
        long curparent = -1;
        String[] text = rawfile.split("\n");
        for (int i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
            String line = text[i].trim();
            if (line.startsWith("//")) {
            } else {
                byte quotec = 0;
                char[] linechar = line.toCharArray();
                boolean readp = false;
                List<String> reads = new ArrayList<>();
                byte creads = 0;
                for (int y = 0; y < linechar.length; y++) {
                    if (linechar[y] == '/' && linechar[y + 1] == '/') {
                    if (linechar[y] == '"') {
                        if (quotec % 2 == 0) {
                            readp = false;
                        } else {
                            readp = true;
                    if (readp) {
                        reads.set(creads, reads.get(creads) + linechar[y]);
                    if (linechar[y] == '{') {
                        HierarchyObject object = new HierarchyObject(new VMFClass(line.substring(line.substring(0, y).lastIndexOf(' '), y).trim(), null, null), curparent);
                        curparent = object.getUUID();
                    if (linechar[y] == '}') {
                        curparent = HierarchyObject.getParentUUIDbyUUID(curparent);

                content.add(new HierarchyObject(new VMFProperty(reads.remove(0), reads.toArray(new String[reads.size()])), curparent));

    private void buildObject(List<HierarchyObject> content) {
        long curUUID = -1;
        for(int i = 0; i < HierarchyObject.getChildUUIDs(curUUID).length; i++){
        //TODO implement

the //TODO part is where the Hierachy Object should get "converted" to the actual object.

like image 943
RoiEX Avatar asked Apr 23 '16 11:04


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2 Answers


It seems to me that your class layout is overcomplicated.

Let's try to simplify it...

What you have described with the VMF model is essentially a linked-list Tree.

Here's what the model looks like:

                    [.vmf file] (root)
                       /    \
                 _____/      \ _____
                /                   \                
               /                     \
           (VMFClass)               (VMFClass)
             /     \                   /    \
            /       \                 /      \
           /         \               /        \
      (VMFClass)   (VMFProperties) (VMFClass)  (VMFProperties)    
       /      \                    
      /        \                
     /          \
 (VMFClass)   (VMFProperties) 

What you need:

  • A Parser class (in your case, you have VMFObject, but lets call this class VMFParser).
  • The VMFClass and VMFProperty classes which you have are fine.

What you don't need:

  • The HierarchyObject class. The VMFParser can be the main controller and container for the hierarchy (e.g. the linked-list Tree model).
  • All the UUIDs (parent, child, etc.) These are just complicated things, but I see why you have them. You don't need them to track the hierarchy - Java will do this for us!!


public class VMFClass
    // name of the class
    private String name;

    // reference back up to the parent
    private VMFClass parentClass = null;

    // all direct children go here
    private List<VMFClass> children = new ArrayList<VMFClass>(); 

    // I don't think you need a list of properties here since your VMFProperty class holds onto an array of properties
    private VMFProperty properties;

    // set the parent of this class
    public void setParent (VMFClass parent)
        this.parentClass = parent;

    // get the direct children
    public List<VMFClass> getChildren()
        return this.children;

    // rest of methods...


class VMFParser
    private String rawfile = "";

    // this is really the container for everything - think of it as the file shell
    private VMFClass root = new VMFClass("root", null, null);

    // construct yourself with the file
    public VMFParser (String fileName)
        this.rawfile = fileName;

    public void parse ()
        // all the parsing code goes here

        // now at this point your hierarchy is built and stored in the   
        // root object in this class.

        // Use the traverse method to go through it

    private void get() throws VMFParsingException
        // keep a reference to the current VMFClass parent
        // starts out as root
        VMFClass currParentClass = root;

        // main parse loop
        for (...)
            // if you find a class
            VMFClass currClass = new VMFClass(/* params here */);

            // add this class to the parent

            // set the parent of this class

            // if you find a property
            // parse and add all the properties to the property
            VMFProperty property = new VMFProperty (/* value params here */);

            // attach this property to the last VMF class that got parsed

            // If you nest deeper into classes, then the parent becomes the current class
            currParentClass = currClass;

            // If you go back out of a class
            currParentClass = currClass.getParent();

    // Traverse the hierarchy
    public void traverse ()

    private void traverseTree (VMFClass root)
        System.out.println("Class Name: " + root.getName());

        // print out any properties
        VMFProperty prop = root.getProperty();

        if (prop != null)
            System.out.println("Property Name: " + prop.getName());

            String [] props = prop.getValues();
            for (String s: props)
                System.out.println("Value: " + s);

        // get all child classes
        List<VMFClass> children = root.getChildren();
        for (VMFClass c: children)

Client Code


public static void main(String[] args)
    VMFParser vmfParser = null;
        vmfParser = new VMFParser("myFile.vmf");

        // access the vmfParser for the hierarchy
    catch (VMFParsingException vpe)
        // do something here
        // clean up...
like image 110
Michael Markidis Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10

Michael Markidis

If you are just looking to find all sub classes of particular class or interface , this might help you,

How can I get a list of all the implementations of an interface programmatically in Java?

like image 37
Sagar Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 23:10
