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Creating a Vaadin-sbt project





I'd like to create a Vaadin project using sbt 0.11.0. I looked at the sbt-vaadin-plugin and the vaadin-skeleton but both of them seem to be out of date. So, has anyone some tips on how to configure such a project?

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uzilan Avatar asked Nov 15 '11 21:11


People also ask

Is vaadin good?

Vaadin is a mature web framework for developing rich internet applications. Building web-based GUIs with Vaadin feels like developing a desktop application, which is great, comfortable and fast. However, there are situations where Vaadin is not suitable.

2 Answers

Here is two projects that use sbt 0.11 and Vaadin:



The first link is a project called scala-wrappers that tries to make easier to use Vaadin with Scala. The second link is a simple project that uses scala-wrappers.

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Henri Kerola Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 13:09

Henri Kerola

I've created a skeleton a while ago to use vaadin and sbt 0.7.


You can update the configuration to 0.11 using this guide

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JaimeJorge Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 12:09
