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Creating a type class instance for a sealed trait

Say I have a 'wide' sealed class hierarchy:

sealed trait Alphabet
case class A(word: String) extends Alphabet
case class Z(word: String) extends Alphabet

And say I have a type class instance defined for each child class in the hierarchy:

trait SwearWordFinder[T <: Alphabet] {
  def isSwearWord(x: T): Boolean

val swearWordFinderA = new SwearWordFinder[A] { ... }
val swearWordFinderZ = new SwearWordFinder[Z] { ... }

Is there a way I can define a type class instance for the Alphabet trait itself without having to implement it by pattern matching (as below)?

def isSwearWord(x: Alphabet): Boolean = x match {
  case a: A => swearWordFinderA.isSwearWord(a)
  case z: Z => swearWordFinderZ.isSwearWord(z)
like image 534
Mullefa Avatar asked Jun 28 '16 10:06


1 Answers

You can represent Alphabet as a Shapeless Coproduct of A :+: B :+: ... :+: Z :+: CNil, so if you have SwearWordFinder instances for A, B, ... and define instances for CNil and :+: you can get a SwearWordFinder[Alphabet] using its generic representation.

import shapeless._

trait SwearWordFinder[T] {
  def isSwearWord(x: T): Boolean

object SwearWordFinder extends SwearWordFinder0 {
  implicit def apply[T](implicit swf: SwearWordFinder[T]): SwearWordFinder[T] = swf

  implicit val cnilSwearWordFinder: SwearWordFinder[CNil] = 
    new SwearWordFinder[CNil] {
      def isSwearWord(t: CNil): Boolean = false

  implicit def coproductConsSwearWordFinder[L, R <: Coproduct](implicit 
    lSwf: SwearWordFinder[L], 
    rSwf: SwearWordFinder[R]
  ): SwearWordFinder[L :+: R] = 
    new SwearWordFinder[L :+: R] {
      def isSwearWord(t: L :+: R): Boolean = 
        t.eliminate(lSwf.isSwearWord, rSwf.isSwearWord)

trait SwearWordFinder0 {
  implicit def genericSwearWordFinder[T, G](implicit 
    gen: Generic.Aux[T, G],
    swf: Lazy[SwearWordFinder[G]]
  ): SwearWordFinder[T] =
    new SwearWordFinder[T] {
      def isSwearWord(t: T): Boolean = swf.value.isSwearWord(gen.to(t))

Now some instances for our letters :

sealed trait Alphabet extends Product with Serializable

object Alphabet {
  final case class A(word: String) extends Alphabet
  final case class Z(word: String) extends Alphabet

implicit val swfA = new SwearWordFinder[Alphabet.A] {
  def isSwearWord(a: Alphabet.A) = a.word == "apple"

implicit val swfZ = new SwearWordFinder[Alphabet.Z] {
  def isSwearWord(z: Alphabet.Z) = z.word == "zebra"

And now we can get a SwearWordFinder[Alphabet] :

def isBadWord[T](t: T)(implicit swfT: SwearWordFinder[T]): Boolean = 

val a1: Alphabet = Alphabet.A("apple")
val z2: Alphabet = Alphabet.Z("zorro")
val z3: Alphabet = Alphabet.Z("zebra")

isBadWord(a1) // true
isBadWord(z2) // false
isBadWord(z3) // true

Like I mentioned in my comment: beware of SI-7046. Your Alphabet AST needs to be in a project on which the project with SwearWordFinder depends or in a package which will be compiled before the package with the type class derivation for Alphabet.

like image 67
Peter Neyens Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 04:11

Peter Neyens