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Creating a STL map key-iterator




Often, you have a map like map<string,X> where the key is the name of the mapped value, and you need an API which lets consumers see all the names... to populate a GUI list-box for example. You can build a vector and return it as an API call but this is rather inefficient. You could just return a reference to the map, but then the values are also accessible and you might not want that.

So how could you write a compliant class, KeyIterator, which wraps map and provides standard iterator access to the keys in that map.


map<string,X> m= ...
KeyIterator<string> ki(m);
for(KeyIterator<string>::iterator it=ki.begin();it!=ki.end();++it)
 cout << *it;

KeyIterator should be lightweight so you can return it from a method with virtually no overhead.

edit: I'm not sure I explained perfectly, let me give a better use-case (semi-pseudo):

class PersonManager
  map<string,Person> people;
  //this version has to iterate the map, build a new structure and return a copy
  vector<string> getNamesStandard();

  //this version returns a lightweight container which can be iterated
  //and directly wraps the map, allowing access to the keys
  KeyIterator<string> getNames();

void PrintNames(PersonManager &pm)
 KeyIterator<string> names = pm.getNames();
 for(KeyIterator<string>::iterator it=names.begin();it!=names.end();++it)
  cout << *it << endl;
like image 946
Mr. Boy Avatar asked Oct 05 '11 20:10

Mr. Boy

People also ask

How do I iterate over a map in St Louis?

Iterating over a map by using STL Iterator:By creating an iterator of std::map and initializing it to the starting of map and visiting upto the end of map we can successfully iterate over all the elements of map.

How do you use an iterator on a map?

Iterating over Map. entrySet() method returns a collection-view(Set<Map. Entry<K, V>>) of the mappings contained in this map. So we can iterate over key-value pair using getKey() and getValue() methods of Map. Entry<K, V>.

What is an iterator in STL?

An iterator is used to point to the memory address of the STL container classes. For better understanding, you can relate them with a pointer, to some extent. Iterators act as a bridge that connects algorithms to STL containers and allows the modifications of the data present inside the container.

2 Answers

#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <iterator>

template <class map>
class KeyIterator { 
    typename map::const_iterator iter_;
    KeyIterator() {}
    KeyIterator(typename map::iterator iter) :iter_(iter) {}
    KeyIterator(typename map::const_iterator iter) :iter_(iter) {}
    KeyIterator(const KeyIterator& b) :iter_(b.iter_) {}
    KeyIterator& operator=(const KeyIterator& b) {iter_ = b.iter_; return *this;}
    KeyIterator& operator++() {++iter_; return *this;}
    KeyIterator operator++(int) {return KeyIterator(iter_++);}
    const typename map::key_type& operator*() {return iter_->first;}
    bool operator==(const KeyIterator& b) {return iter_==b.iter_;}
    bool operator!=(const KeyIterator& b) {return iter_!=b.iter_;}

int main() {
    std::map<std::string,int> m;
    KeyIterator<std::map<std::string,int> > ki;
    for(ki=m.begin(); ki!=m.end(); ++ki)
        cout << *ki;

Doesn't get much more lightweight than that. However, it requires the iterator to be templated on the map type, instead of the key type, which means you have to give out some implementation details if you were attempting to hide internals.

like image 161
Mooing Duck Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09

Mooing Duck

template<typename iterator_type>
class KeyIterator
    iterator_type iterator;
    typedef typename std::iterator_traits<iterator_type>::value_type::first_type value_type;
    KeyIterator(iterator_type i) : iterator(i) {}
    value_type operator*() { return iterator->first; }
    KeyIterator & operator++() { ++iterator; return *this; }
    bool operator!=(const KeyIterator & right) const { return iterator != right.iterator; }
    // ...

Edit: After seeing your edit I realize this isn't exactly what you asked for. You confused me by calling your class a KeyIterator, a more appropriate name would be KeyContainer. You won't be able to template it just on the key type, since it's going to have to contain some kind of reference to the map; you'll need the full definition of the map.

Your request overcomplicates the problem because you must define two different types, KeyIterator and KeyIterator::iterator.

Here's your sample code using my class:

class PersonManager
    map<string,Person> people;
    //this version has to iterate the map, build a new structure and return a copy 
    vector<string> getNamesStandard(); 

    //this version returns a lightweight container which can be iterated 
    //and directly wraps the map, allowing access to the keys 
    KeyIterator<map<string,Person>::iterator> getNamesBegin(); 
    KeyIterator<map<string,Person>::iterator> getNamesEnd(); 

void PrintNames(PersonManager &pm) 
    KeyIterator<map<string,Person>::iterator> it = pm.getNamesBegin();
    KeyIterator<map<string,Person>::iterator> end = pm.getNamesEnd();
    for(it; it!=end; ++it) 
        cout << *it << endl; 
like image 31
Mark Ransom Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09

Mark Ransom