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Creating a property inside of an object that can be continuously used



I'm the type of person who loves to do a lot of projects especially if it involves only JavaScript since that is my strong point.

I thought of a little fun idea. Writing little pieces of CSS with JavaScript. These CSS pieces could then be used in a Blob or implemented into the webpage some other way.

Most of the time, I do projects just for FUN and for build up in experience.

Let's get more of a feel for what we are working with. One of these JavaScript stylesheets could look like this:

var sheet = {
    "h1": {
        "font-size": "24px",
            "color": "blue",
        children: {
            "a": {
                "font-size": "15px"
    "a": {
        color: "red"

This would return:

h1{font-size:24px;color:blue}h1 a{font-size:15px}a{color:red}

Note the children propert in the h1 element.

This is my way of nesting, making the h1 a.

My question however is, how could I make a continuous nesting so I could end up with something like:

"h1 div span a"

Meaning that each nested child will need be able to use the children property.

The script I have so far is below (belongs with the variable sheet).

var to = "";
for (var el in sheet) {
    var props = [];
    for (var prop in sheet[el]) {
        if(prop != "children") {
            props.push(prop + ":" + sheet[el][prop]);
    to += el + "{" + props.join(";") + "}";
    if (sheet[el].children) {
        for (var el2 in sheet[el].children) {
            var props = [];
            for (var prop in sheet[el].children[el2]) {
                props.push(prop + ":" + sheet[el].children[el2][prop]);
            to += el + " " + el2 + "{" + props.join(";") + "}"

The sections in between the comments is the code I use for the 1 time nesting.

I'm not sure how difficult this would be to add. But I understand that it probable wouldn't be easy.

My full example is here: http://jsfiddle.net/shawn31313/2tfnz/1

like image 238
Shawn31313 Avatar asked Oct 21 '22 12:10


1 Answers

You can pretty easily make your code recursive:

function buildCSS(stub, node){
    var to = "";
    for (var el in node) {
        var rule = stub + " " + el;
        var props = [];
        for (var prop in node[el]) {          
            if(prop != "children") {
                props.push(prop + ":" + node[el][prop]);
        to += rule + "{" + props.join(";") + "}";
        if (node[el].children) {
            to += buildCSS(rule, node[el].children);

    return to;

var to = buildCSS("", sheet);

This can definitely be cleaned up, but it illustrates the idea.


You might also consider a tweak to your object structure to make the code a bit cleaner:

var sheet = {
    "h1": {
        rules: {
            "font-size": "24px",
            "color": "blue"
        children: {
            "a": {
                rules: {
                    "font-size": "15px"
    "a": {
        rules: {
            color: "red"

In this way, you wouldn't need to distinguish between properties named children and those which aren't.

like image 144
James Montagne Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 03:10

James Montagne