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Creating a Patch with TFS

Creating a patch is very easy in SubVersion, With Tortoise, you right-click and select Create Patch. But for the life of me, I can't find this functionality in TFS. Is this possible?

If not, what's the standard way to submit patches in open source TFS hosted projects (a la CodePlex)?

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swilliams Avatar asked Sep 09 '08 15:09


2 Answers

tf diff /shelveset:shelveset /format:unified

Edit: This writes to standard output. You can pipe the output to a file.

For more options, see Difference Command.

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Curt Hagenlocher Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 20:11

Curt Hagenlocher

Because TFS doesn't natively support patch files, the most common thing I see people do on CodePlex is simply zip the modified files and upload the zip. The project coordinator then does a diff against their own checkout.

However since CodePlex also supports TortoiseSVN, more and more people are using that to create their patch files.

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jwanagel Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 20:11
