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Creating a large file from Windows' commandline

On Mac I can create a random 5GB file like this

dd if=dev/urandom of=~/random5gb bs=1000000 count=5000

Is there an equivalent command in Windows XP? I want it to be able to run in a '.bat' file that I'm creating.

like image 448
DanielW Avatar asked Jul 11 '11 10:07


People also ask

How do I make a large file in Windows?

Open up Windows Task Manager, find the biggest process you have running right click, and click on Create dump file . This will create a file relative to the size of the process in memory in your temporary folder. You can easily create a file sized in gigabytes.

How do I make a large dummy file?

There are two commands you can enter in the Command Prompt to create a dummy file: fsutil file createnew filename size. fsutil file createnew pathfilename size.

1 Answers


fsutil file createnew <filename> <length>
like image 184
eugene_che Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 11:10
