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Creating a Cocoapod library and [UIImage imageNamed:] returns NULL

I have https://github.com/fulldecent/FDChessBoardView working great and am now starting the project again from scratch with pod lib create in order to make a Podspec.

There is one {'.h','.m'} file and some images. The images are in the file system in the provided Pod/Assets folder. The resources are noted in the podspec file with:

s.resource_bundles = {
  'FDChessboardView' => ['Pod/Assets/*']

(I have also tried directly adding these files into the Development Pods/FDChessboardView/Resources group inside XCode.)

Inside the library implementation file I need to refer to these images. I have tried:

NSString *bundlePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"FDChessboardView" ofType:@"bundle"];
NSBundle *bundle = [NSBundle bundleWithPath:bundlePath];
NSString *imagePath = [bundle pathForResource:@"aa" ofType:@"png"];
UIImage* image = [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:imagePath];

Here the imagePath is set correctly. This file exists and file confirms it is a PNG:

[...]aa.png: PNG image data, 182 x 164, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced

However the UIImage is NULL.

I have also tried these:

image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"aa"];
UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"FDChessboardView.bundle/aa.png"];
image = [UIImage imageNamed:@"aa" inBundle:bundle compatibleWithTraitCollection:nil];

All of them produce NULL.

Could anyone help point me in the correct direction for how to load theme image assets?

Thank you!


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William Entriken Avatar asked Sep 14 '14 17:09

William Entriken

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2 Answers

Ok - I found a solution that works for me:

In the lib I am creating, I have the following class: AEBubbleField.h AEBubbleView.m

I also have an image in the Assets folder of the generated file structure called background.png. I want to use this in my lib files above so I add the following to the pod spec (to ensure the png is copied with my lib classes)

s.ios.resource_bundle = { 'AEBubbleField' => 'Pod/Assets/*.png' }

I can then access the image in the following manner:

NSBundle *bundle = [NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]]; // Any class in the lib can be used here, I just went for the current class
UIImage *backgroundImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"background.png" inBundle:bundle compatibleWithTraitCollection:nil];

This is the only way I can get the image and use it. All other methods I have tried simply return nil like the original question's.

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Rob Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 22:09


this answer works for me.

and, my swift code is:

class func loadImage(name: String) -> UIImage? {
    let podBundle = NSBundle(forClass: MyClass.self)
    if let url = podBundle.URLForResource("MyBundleName", withExtension: "bundle") {
        let bundle = NSBundle(URL: url)
        return UIImage(named: name, inBundle: bundle, compatibleWithTraitCollection: nil)
    return nil
like image 38
Daishi Nakajima Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 23:09

Daishi Nakajima