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CreateUser Function Not Working in AngularFire - Firebase Simple Login?

I have the following controller that uses AngularFire

app.controller("authController", function($scope, $firebaseSimpleLogin){

var ref = new Firebase("https://myapp.firebaseIO.com/");
$scope.auth = $firebaseSimpleLogin(ref, function(error, user){
    else if(user){
        console.log("user logged out");

// This shows a valid object

$scope.createAccount = function(){
    console.log("found me");
    $scope.auth.$createUser($scope.email, $scope.password, function(error, user){


When I bind the $scope.createAccount function to an ng-click event and click on the bound button, console.log("found me") runs in the browser, but none of the other console.log commands in $scope.createAccount is shown.

The console.log($scope.auth) command I have before setting the $scope.createAccount function shows a valid object with the $createUser function defined.

I am not receiving any console errors when I run $scope.createAccount so I am assuming the call has been "successfully" made.

Why am I able to see the auth object, but not receiving a callback after calling $createUser?

like image 685
Lloyd Banks Avatar asked Dec 15 '22 21:12

Lloyd Banks

1 Answers

This was happening because I was doing callbacks based on JavaScript notation instead of Angular notation. Since I was using the AngularFire methods (they have the same names as the vanilla JavaScript SDK methods, but with a $ sign in front of them), I needed to handle callbacks using Angular's $promise methodology.

I changed

$scope.auth.$createUser($scope.email, $scope.password, function(error, user){
    // do things;


$scope.auth.$createUser($scope.email, $scope.password)
        // do things if success
    }, function(error){
        // do things if failure

and the callback worked as expected.

There is an exception to the above with the vanilla JS firebaseSimpleLogin constructor vs Angular $firebaseSimpleLogin constructor. On the vanilla JS constructor, there are callbacks on the constructor that allows you to specify what your script should do when a user logs in / logs out. It follows the following format:

var auth = new firebaseSimpleLogin(ref, function(error, user){
        // do things if login failure
    else if(user){
        // do things when login succeeds 
        // do things when user logs out

If you try to do the same with the Angular constructor like so:

$scope.auth = $firebaseSimpleLogin(ref)
        // do things when login succeeds 
    }, function(error){
        // do things when login fails     

you'll receive an error. There are no callback methods with the Angular constructor. I am guessing this was done on purpose since with Angular, you have data binding and you can simply $watch $scope.auth.user for changes and perform operations in your app depending on the variable's state. When $scope.auth.user is set to null, the user is logged out. If the value is set to anything else than null, then the user is logged in.

like image 134
Lloyd Banks Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 22:01

Lloyd Banks