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Create wordcloud from dictionary values

I just wrote a script that extracts all the spoken text in the Dutch Parlement of a few thousand XML files. For every speaker it count the amount of times a speaker said some words.

After doing this I calculated the TF * IDF value of every word for each speaker in the Dutch Parlement. If you are not familiar with this see this link: TF IDF explanation

So now I have a dictionary for each speaker in the Dutch Parlement where the keys are the words he said and the values are the corresponding TF*IDF values:

{u'asielzoekers': 0.0034861170591325486,
 u'belastingverlaging': 0.0018551991553514675,
 u'buma': 0.0020712555982839408,
 u'islam': 0.0029519544163739155,
 u'moslims': 0.0027958002747301355,
 u'ouderen': 0.0022803123245457566,
 u'pechtold': 0.0021525864470786928,
 u'president': 0.003281844532743345,
 u'rutte': 0.0023488684001475584,
 u'samsom': 0.0019304632325980841} 

Right now I want to create a wordcloud from these values. I have shortly looked into the wordcloud module written by amueller But for as far as I can see this module is not working with a dictionary but just plain text.

So any help on how to create a wordcloud from a dictionary's values would be highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

like image 498
Niels Gorsel Avatar asked Mar 31 '17 16:03

Niels Gorsel

People also ask

How do I make word cloud phrases?

In the word cloud, select the word you wish to combine with other words (eg, “convenient”). Type in a word or phrase you wish to combine the word with (eg, type in “ease”), and press Enter. Repeat this process for all other words or phrases you wish to combine (eg, "easy"), until you have exhausted the synonyms.

What is Stopwords in Wordcloud?

From the wordcloud documentation: stopwords : set of strings or None. The words that will be eliminated. If None, the build-in STOPWORDS list will be used.

Do word clouds repeat words?

Unlike WordArt.com, WordClouds.com does not automatically duplicate words that you submit to fill out an image.

2 Answers

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from wordcloud import WordCloud

word_could_dict = {'Git':100, 'GitHub':100, 'push':50, 'pull':10, 'commit':80, 'add':30, 'diff':10, 
                  'mv':5, 'log':8, 'branch':30, 'checkout':25}

wordcloud = WordCloud(width = 1000, height = 500).generate_from_frequencies(word_could_dict)


And we get: enter image description here

like image 108
George Pipis Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09

George Pipis

dictionary= {u'asielzoekers': 0.0034861170591325486,.. u'samsom': 0.0019304632325980841} 

from PIL import Image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from wordcloud import WordCloud

wc = WordCloud(background_color="white",width=1000,height=1000, max_words=10,relative_scaling=0.5,normalize_plurals=False).generate_from_frequencies(dictionary)
like image 38
NargesooTv Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 18:09
