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Create Webhooks in ASP.NET Core

Is there any way to create Webhooks in ASP.NET Core?

I looked into https://github.com/aspnet/WebHooks but I can't find support for ASP.NET Core

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Ajay Kumar Avatar asked Dec 23 '22 13:12

Ajay Kumar

2 Answers

WebHooks will be rolled out with the ASP.NET Core 2.1 release, as announced here: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/webdev/2018/02/02/asp-net-core-2-1-roadmap/#webhooks.

Update: WebHooks was pulled out of 2.1 and has moved to the 2.2 release.

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Scott Addie Avatar answered Mar 01 '23 19:03

Scott Addie

Scott is right. ASP.NET Core 2.1 supports webhooks and since the preview is already out, you can create webhooks with ASP.NET Core. Here is a Github repository having sample for DropBox and Github Webhooks with ASP.NET Core. You can also visit this post to know more in detail about the implementation.

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VirendraJ Avatar answered Mar 01 '23 19:03
