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What is create type?

Description. CREATE TYPE defines a new, user-defined data type. The types that can be created are an object type, a nested table type, a varray type, or a composite type. Nested table and varray types belong to the category of types known as collections.

How do I create a datatype for TEXT in MySQL?

We have introduced a basic syntax code succeeding to illustrate the TEXT data type in MySQL. We can use TEXT while creating a table using the following query structure: CREATE TABLE TableName (ID INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, Title VARCHAR (255) NOT NULL, Description TEXT[forms]NOT NULL);

What is create type in SQL Server?

Creates an alias data type or a user-defined type in the current database in SQL Server or Azure SQL Database. The implementation of an alias data type is based on a SQL Server native system type. A user-defined type is implemented through a class of an assembly in the Microsoft .

I couln't create a new data type on MySQL. Query is given below

(NAME       VARCHAR (30),
 SSN        VARCHAR (9));

How can I do that on MySQL