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CREATE TRIGGER must be the first statement in a batch


I have the below trigger:

 CREATE Trigger enroll_limit on Enrollments  Instead of Insert  As  Declare @Count int  Declare @Capacity int  Select @Count = COUNT(*) From Enrollments  Select @Capacity = Capacity From CourseSections  If @Count < @Capacity  Begin        Insert Into Enrollments Select * From Inserted  End  GO 

I'm getting an error msg saying:

'CREATE TRIGGER' must be the first statement in a query batch.

like image 599
zoe Avatar asked Nov 13 '12 23:11


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To create a trigger in your own schema on a table in your own schema or on your own schema ( SCHEMA ), you must have the CREATE TRIGGER system privilege. To create a trigger in any schema on a table in any schema, or on another user's schema ( schema . SCHEMA ), you must have the CREATE ANY TRIGGER system privilege.

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1 Answers

The error message "'CREATE TRIGGER' must be the first statement in a query batch." usually occurs when a preceding group (batch) of statements does not have a terminating GO

So, I would suggest adding add a GO to the end of the preceding batch's statements.

like image 130
Mitch Wheat Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 17:10

Mitch Wheat